Each player starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People that are tagged write a blog post about their own 8 random things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your post tag 8 people and include their names.Don't forget to leave them a comment on their blog to tell them they've been tagged, and to comment back and read your blog for the whole story.
{My Random Facts/Habits}(what you don't know and maybe don't want to know about me)
1. I can not and will not drink water from the bathroom sink. Um hello the bathroom. Maybe it is I am a weirdo but I just think it is gross.
2. I can not sleep near the door. I have to be on the side of the bed that is farthest away from the door. Maybe it is because if someone decides to break in and comes to my bedroom I will not be the first person they come for. It will be Doug! My Mother has the same quirk!
3. I do not like coke from a can, well any soda from can for that matter. I love to have a nice cold 20 oz coke. I prefer 20 oz over even a fountain drink.
4. I hang dry 90% of my laundry. Not just my laundry but my husbands and my kids. I also iron clothes everyday. I can not stand wrinkled clothing, so needless to say before my kids get dressed I iron their clothes. My husband is unfortunately not so lucky. He gets up to dang early for me to do that for him. Sorry sweetie.
5. I am very impatient! Anyone who knows me, knows that when I want something I want it now, I do not like to wait for anything. If I ask my hubby to do something I expect it done when I say, not when he does. If it doesn't get done and done right I freak out and end up doing it myself. Maybe I should just do it myself in the first place.
6. Every Monday, and I mean every Monday I clean my house. I can not doing anything else until it is finished. So I guess if you want me to do something on Mondays you may as well forget it until I am done . I have been doing this since I moved into my house 4 1/2 years ago.
I hate onions. My family always tries to get me to eat them and tells me you can't taste them but I can. I can always tell when something has an onion in it. Even the littlest onion.
I HATE ONIONS!!!!!8. This really isn't a quirk or habit but I love to watch Law and Order. The original is the best but I also like Law and Order SVU. It is on everyday from 12:00-2:00 and I try not to miss it. I also love to watch the reruns of SVU on late at night on USA.
This was a fun tag. I now tag Aimee, Trisha, Amber, Rochelle, Tracy and Allison. Only have six sorry