Thursday, March 27, 2008

This year the Easter Bunny didn't come to our house until after church. We had a family home evening lesson the week before on the true meaning of Easter. We wanted to focus the day on Christs resurrection and not the commercial side of it. I t made the day that much better by waking up and focusing on the savior. I am so thankful for what the savior did for me, for all of us. It makes everything I am going through that much easier to bear. I love my savior and am so thankful for the major role he plays in my life and my decisions. I am so thankful he guides me in the way I raise my kids and my everyday trials. I am truly blessed to have the Gospel in my life.

1 comment:

Aimee said...

What HANDSOME young men you both are! We love you:)

Love the Carolina Gang